
Showing posts from April, 2018

Beginnings and Anxiety

1.        It’s been a week of ups and downs, personally and professionally. My school is going through some change as our principal of 10 plus years retires, which only causes me anxiety. My team’s fearless leader is moving to the district office to train teachers (more anxiety). The rest of my team, except for me and my 8 th grade counterpart, are looping with their students next year, so that means a different set of 7 th grade teachers I work with next year (you guessed it, anxiety). The cherry on top is the state’s lack of funding and the Red for Ed Arizona Educator United movement that is taking place. Where there is a problem, I believe there is always a solution. I signed up to be a liaison for my school. I’m hustling decals and chalk paint to put on cars, making posters, memorizing demands, and (gasp) talking to strangers (if you haven’t guessed already, I suffer from anxiety and do NOT like talking to people I don’t know). I spent an hour at my kids’ school carnival ne